The Austrian justice is some kind of art. Maybe my father's been kinda right for a change when he suggested I should attend law school. And maybe this would've been the best (or rather most lucrative) way for me to express my creativity. Instead, I'm writing stuff nobody's interested in, producing music nobody's able to bear for long and knocking useless photo compositions together. None of that fills my wallet.
Buuuuuuut I'm deviating from the original subject.
Let's assume communism really could work - It still wouldn't in Austria. I'll quote an easy example: The common civilian gets a slice of an apple. That'd be at least one to two apples for federal employees. Managers get a peach and maybe a banana on top of that, politicians a fruit basket.
This applies just as well to the judicial system.
There's this thing called 'presumption of innocence'. This principle says that every executive officer, important businessman and politician is innocent until proven guilty. In practice this works as follows:
There's a fourteen year old boy been shot dead by a police officer. Reason: Attempted burglary.
Newspapers as well as the hoi polloi (because the opinion of the media is law, don't you ever doubt that!) stated that 'whoever's old enough to steal sure as hell is old enough to be killed as well'.
In order to keep the executives innocent, they were held off from any court or hearing for several months because of their mental state. Just long enough to have the judge and his little helpers cook up a nice story in order to color the whole case a bit. All the officers had to do was say: 'Yep.'
Mission accomplished. Eight months on probation for murder. Hell yeah, the system works! Isn't the principle of hope a ripping mature argument of the judge? "I hope you're not working in the field anymore."
Splendid! Let's apply that on every case in the future, that'd be fun. I hope you're able to contain yourself from stealing too much. I hope you'll stop killing people some day. I hope you won't rape too many of our fellow citizens in the future. Here's a picture of my wife, I hope you'll spare her.
That leads us to the next topic: Thousands of children being abused by clergymen in several catholic institutions. The only sentence they'll ever hear: 'Well, we're gonna have to transfer you somewhere else...'
Somehow strange - Priests are fired as soon as someone reveals that there's some kind of relationship or that they're homosexual, but children being molested seems to be quite a routine.
There's even one guy in the Vatican calling himself an exorcist and all the offenders innocent victims because 'they've been obsessed by the devil'. But everything's good now. There's no need to punish them or reconsider this whole catholic structure.
Quite the opposite is taking place in a trial on some animal rights activists. What they did? Use encryption technology for their electronic correspondence. Hell, what a crime!
The presumption of innocence has of course never been effective in this case.
Some politicians were convinced that the beliefs of those activists harmed the economy. That's enough of a motive to have some highly paid executives just read mails of those 'Lohas' for several years. The taxpayers' money is wasted for absurd stalking, flying scrap and publicity campaigns of a racist party and everything's fine. But as soon as someone pursues some kind of social intention, there's this deafening outcry of the mass.
Whatever... Since reading mails didn't bear any fruit, the next step was to keep them under surveillance and sound those criminals out. Nothing again.
What's next? Drop the case since there hasn't been any success?
Of course not. If there's no reason for you to assume someone does something they shouldn't do, what could be more natural than instructing a house search?
Strange. Again, no evidence. But with a trial this surely will change - Let's play it safe and have an incompetent huntress as a judge that neither accepts counterevidence nor the defendants defending themselves.
There's been some malicious mischief at
Kleiderbauer, a company that sells fur? Let's charge it at our Lohas. The incident happened while they've been on remand? How could that ever matter?
Do you see those null and void differences between those trials? I know, it's quite difficult as there seems to be none at first sight.
It's easy to realize what the main focus of Austrias justice system lies on.
The best example however is that software piracy is prosecuted more rigorously than rape. Needless to say, the first one harms the economy, the second one supports it. Yay.
All hail the brainfuck.