
People = daft

My 2-year-old daughter said something quite ahead of her age today.
Well, not only ahead of her age but also ahead of many other people. I nearly brimmed over with enthusiasm.
The only thing that bothers me is the apprehension she'll start listening to Slipknot soon.

But, let's not care too much, better enjoy her statement.
Have yourself a seat, make yourself comfortable, fetch some coke and a bag of popcorn.
Ready yet?
Here it comes:

Mensch: Doof.
(Best translated with 'Human: Daft.')

Isn't that absolutely lovely and gorgious? ...or does my exaltation somehow make me a misanthrope?
I guess I could live with both.


  1. I knew why your fantastic little daughter is my heroine and role-model. For wisdom like that. And because she invited my into her house, of course.
