If emancipation is at least half as advanced as it's claimed to be this whole thing will come to no good end.
I once stumbled across a feminist. Let's leave it at that for a moment, have it take effect a bit since this is not quite the everyday situation I'd like it to be.
Okay, that's enough, I'm going to elaborate.
As a matter of fact, she seriously tried to convince me of the following: There are forms of sexism one can approve of, types that aren't too bad after all. She actually wanted to score with her knowledge of benevolent sexism when I asked for those.
This knowledge however didn't seem very substantiated. As soon as I asked what real benefits there are from the Third Reich's Mutterkreuz for example, she went a bit silent. Later on she wanted to make me believe she never said there'd be anything good about sexism. Rationalization's great, don't you think?
Well, let's switch to another topic as an attempt to reflect what role today's woman takes in the Alpenrepublik.
Many people think gender equality is (nearly) accomplished. Many of those who know better hold that 'women should start by doing road maintenance service, working in mines, approaching men, inviting them to drinks and so forth'.
Only a minority cares about women earning only about three quarters of the wage their male co-workers are granted; or cultural funding which pretty much seems to focus on art produced by men. Not to mention promotion prospects. But let's not think too capitalistic, there are enough examples in everyday life. Discrimination knows many faces and I'll name a few of the most ugly ones.
Austria's main tourist draw Mr. Fritzl found himself finally being someone who mattered; someone, the whole world is interested in. He's been seen as a genius, the grandmaster of secrecy who kept his many children in the basement without someone even having any suspicion. The fact of his 'parallel family' going so well because of pure human failure (especially on the part of the executive authority) seems to have gotten lost beneath the rug it's successfully been swept under.
His children however have been forgotten rather quickly. That's not only because of the victim protection ('cause it never really works in sensationalistic Austria). In fact, some of our exemplarily patriotic politicians pootled through the republic moaning about how those eeevil rape victims keep harming Austria's reputation in all the world's beloved countries (at times other countries aren't that abhorred after all, as it seems). Our daily insanity doesn't? No… not at all… never ever.
After this has been straightened out, any informational impulse of actual victims existing seems to have effectively been repressed.
What also fascinates me in a rather negative way is the fact that soccer obviously is more important than women. All those events like Euro or World Cups are known to attract sexual and physical violence against females and there is nothing done about it. Quite the contrary, those events even take place in regions known for their high violation rate.
When the Euro Cup came to Austria, the only comment on this problem was: 'Yes, there is violence against women and yes, it increases during events like the European Championship. But there is a simple solution to this problem: Women can go on vacation over this period of time. Those who can't afford to should stay at home or only sojourn in the public in groups.'
Splendid! This is just as great as this thesis that 'it's their own fault when women get raped because they're provoking it'.
Of course they can run around in ski suits all summer long or hide themselves in their locked homes. Would be one hell of a quality of life, wouldn't it?
Furthermore, a woman's well-being can't ever be as important as a man being provided with his desired booze and soccer and sex and whatever there is in life. Agreed?
My advice: Be a man. Have yourself some muscles and a dome. Start being attracted to women. Maybe have yourself three x's tattooed on your neck. 'cause then you're cool, no one will dare to discriminate you. Even natural sciences will take a subordinate role.
The 'L' stands for 'love'.
Alternatively, you could also impress the typical Austian by facing up to the dangers of nature. Join some cheerful battle of life and death.

Does the GKK pay for sex change surgery?
ReplyDeleteWill I need to wear a tie and force myself to like beer then? I already rule at burping and I'm married to a beautiful woman. Do you think, that's a good start?
Since it pays for all physical conditions that handicap people it should also cover that kind of surgery. But that'd lead to too much sex changes and too few people to domineer over.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, skin color changes'd have to be paid as well. This means even less victims plus the GKK would be out of money faster than you can say 'Bring me some beer, honey'.
Of course, that's a wonderful start! You're halfway through, pal!